What is a Termite Inspection and Why Might You Need One?

Spring is just 26 days away, which means it’s a good time to start thinking about termites. A termite inspection is carried about by a pest control expert, who looks for signs of swarmers (winged members of a termite colony), mud shelter tubes, mud in construction joints, wood in your landscape, and wood damage around your home. The expert will then assess if your home is at risk for termites or not.

It’s important to have termite inspections done because Louisiana is a warm and damp state, which allows termites to thrive. Termite damage also causes 5 billion dollars of damage every year in the United States. This is even worse because termite damage is not covered under most homeowner’s insurance.

Especially if you’re moving into a new home, it’s highly recommended to schedule a termite inspection.

If you’re considering a termite inspection, give us a call at 318-731-8775 or message us on Messenger. Our quality pest control techs are here to help.

Have a great rest of your day!

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