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Are These Hiding In Your Yard? Did you know termites cost 5 billion dollars worth of...
How Cockroaches Affect Allergies
Cockroaches bites aren't dangerous, but that doesn't mean these creepy crawlies are harmless....
5 Signs of Termite Activity
What are warning signs of termite activity? Now that...
Termite Infestation Map
Termites thrive in warm, humid climates. This means that homes in Louisiana have a very high risk...
What Does Termite Damage Look Like?
Do you know what termite damage looks like? This home has an active infestation, with termites...
Top 5 DIY Pest Control Tips
Top 5 DIY Pest Control Tips Pests are a problem year-round, but with spring on the horizon, you'll...
How to Identify German Roaches
Here are a few easy ways to identify German roaches compared to American cockroaches. One of the...
Where Do Pests Go in Winter?
As we move into the cooler months, you may start to see fewer bugs outside, making it seem like a...
Did You Know? Termites Cost Americans $5 Billion Every Year
Did you know? Termites cost Americans around $5 billion a year. Unfortunately, this type of damage...
Spiders: The Good, the Bad and the Scary
One of the spookiest things you can find in your home is... spiders! Did you know up to 15% of the...
How to Keep Spiders Out
Do you hate seeing spiders in your house? Besides regular pest control spraying, the best way to...
Ants Are A Big Problem
Ants are a big problem right now! This crape myrtle is absolutely infested, as well as the two...
Fact Friday: 6 Strange Spider Facts
Happy Fact Friday! We've got some more fun (if somewhat creepy) facts. Today we're looking at...
Did You Know? Pests Can Cause Asthma
Did you know? Certain pests like cockroaches and dust mites can trigger asthma and allergies in...
Preventing Mosquitos Prevents Disease
Mosquitos are one of the most annoying and deadly pests around the world. Malaria, West Nile, Zika...
Dealing With Fire Ants
One pest that's most active in summer is the fire ant. Fire ants, also known as red imported fire...
Earwig Facts
Here are some facts about a somewhat misunderstood insect- the earwig. Even their name is a...
Keep Wasps Away Right now, wasps are very active and aggressive in...
Facts About Fire Ants
It's warming up, which means fire ants are on the rise. Here are 6 facts about fire ants you might...
Why We Recommend Termite Inspections Why do we recommend termite inspections? To prevent...
Did You Know? Termite Facts
Did you know termite damage isn't covered under most homeowners' insurance? Did you also know one...