Knowledge Base

Are These Hiding In Your Yard? Did you know termites cost 5 billion dollars worth of damage in America each year? Did you also know...

Termites are swarming Spring is here, which means termites are swarming to find food. Termites are insects that feed on wood...

Spring Cleaning Pest Control

Happy first day of Spring! With warm weather here to stay, bugs are going to be much more active than before. Luckily, there are plenty of pest...

Know the Signs of Termites Termites are a year-round issue, but spring is when their activity picks up for mating season. Because of...

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Termites are swarming

Termites are swarming Spring is here, which means termites are swarming to...

Termite Infestation Map

Termite Infestation Map

Termites thrive in warm, humid climates. This means that homes in Louisiana have a very high risk...

How to Keep Spiders Out

How to Keep Spiders Out

Do you hate seeing spiders in your house? Besides regular pest control spraying, the best way to...

Ants Are A Big Problem

Ants Are A Big Problem

Ants are a big problem right now! This crape myrtle is absolutely infested, as well as the two...