Dealing With Fire Ants

One pest that’s most active in summer is the fire ant. Fire ants, also known as red imported fire ants (RIFA), are an invasive species of ant from Brazil. This species of ant is aggressive and will bite or sting humans if threatened. They can be identified by their reddish brown color and mounds that lack obvious entry holes compared to other ant mounds.

These pests eat just about anything they can find. This includes dead or alive plants and animals. They build their mounds on almost all soil types, typically under a covering such as a rock, grass, tree, or man-made object like a HVAC unit.

You can prevent fire ant stings by making sure they don’t build mounds on your property in the first place. We offer yard treatments that kill fire ants in the area and prevent them from starting a colony. There are also insecticides that kill established mounds.

To keep bugs from getting in your house, make sure HVAC systems are sealed properly, and close up any cracks or crevices in your home’s structure that might let them inside.

If you’re struggling with fire ants, call a licensed pest control professional to get rid of them completely.

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