Why We Recommend Termite Inspections

Why We Recommend Termite Inspections

Why do we recommend termite inspections? To prevent this type of damage. This is what happens when termites are allowed to feed on part of the home. This damage is visible, but sometimes termites eat the inside of wooden structures, allowing them to go unnoticed until...
Did You Know? Termite Facts

Did You Know? Termite Facts

Did you know termite damage isn’t covered under most homeowners’ insurance? Did you also know one termite colony eats up to 4 pounds of wood each year? If that wood comes from your home, that’s a lot of uninsured damage to deal with. According to...
Are These Hiding In Your Yard?

Are These Hiding In Your Yard?

Did you know termites cost 5 billion dollars worth of damage in America each year? Did you also know that termite damage isn’t covered under most homeowner’s insurance? Termites are incredible at hiding, and by the time you see the damage, there’s...
Termites Are Swarming

Termites Are Swarming

Warm, humid months are here in Louisiana… which means increased termite activity. Termites are insects that feed on wood and decaying organic material… including parts of houses. Every year, termites cause 5 billion dollars worth of damage. Unfortunately, termite...
Termites: Fact vs Myth

Termites: Fact vs Myth

Happy Tuesday! Today we have a pest control quiz for you. See if you can tell the myths from the facts. Termites are year-round invaders that eat wood and decaying plant material. They are not easy to detect, but when you do see them, there’s likely already damage to...