Mosquito Landscape Tips

Mosquito Landscape Tips

Welcome to Pest Week! This week is dedicated to pest and pest ONLY content! Today we will review some basic tips to reduce mosquitos in your landscape. Let us know what you think of this week’s format! We hope this helps, and check out our knowledge base for more tips...
Mosquitos: Myth or Fact

Mosquitos: Myth or Fact

Today we’re quizzing you on some common mosquito myths. Mosquitos are particularly annoying pests because of their bite, and they’re flying insects! Their populations can be hard to control. One false myth we want to debunk is that what you eat impacts whether...
Watch Out for These Mosquito Magnets

Watch Out for These Mosquito Magnets

Happy Wednesday! We wanted to make a follow-up to our last mosquito post to show some examples of mosquito breeding places. These can include bird baths, childrens’ toys or other plastic items with water in it, dog bowls, outdoor pools, etc. Mosquitos need a very...