Watch Out for These Mosquito Magnets

Watch Out for These Mosquito Magnets

Happy Wednesday! We wanted to make a follow-up to our last mosquito post to show some examples of mosquito breeding places. These can include bird baths, childrens’ toys or other plastic items with water in it, dog bowls, outdoor pools, etc. Mosquitos need a very...
Pest Control Tips With Dylan

Pest Control Tips With Dylan

Pest control is important in keeping a happy healthy home. Whether you treat your home yourself or have a professional come do it for you, watch as Dylan gives some tips on treating your home the right way! If you have any questions about pests or how to control them,...
Don’t Let Your House be a Home for Pests

Don’t Let Your House be a Home for Pests

Good morning and happy Wednesday. We’ve got Dylan here to bring some advice to help reduce pests around your home. On top of regular pest control treatments, a few other things you can do is make sure to reduce the amount of food, water, or shelter your property...
Outdoor Leaks Could Be a Pest Magnet

Outdoor Leaks Could Be a Pest Magnet

Happy Tuesday! After the freeze we had in January, there might be damage to your pipes showing up even now. It’s important to look around your property and double-check your plumbing. If there is a leak or has been in the past, it can attract bugs near the house, and...
Watch Out for Termites

Watch Out for Termites

Happy Friday! We hope you’re staying safe out there with the weather. A big issue we’re seeing right now is termites. Termites like humidity, rain, and wet conditions. They feed on wood and decaying organic materials, which makes them a big problem if they have access...