Did You Know? Termite Facts

Did You Know? Termite Facts

Did you know termite damage isn’t covered under most homeowners’ insurance? Did you also know one termite colony eats up to 4 pounds of wood each year? If that wood comes from your home, that’s a lot of uninsured damage to deal with. According to...
Top 6 Pest Control Tips

Top 6 Pest Control Tips

We wanted to share a general list of pest control tips that should help keep bugs away from your home and decrease your chances of an infestation. However, regular spraying around the perimeter of the home is one of the most reliable ways of reducing bugs. Besides...
Are These Hiding In Your Yard?

Are These Hiding In Your Yard?

Did you know termites cost 5 billion dollars worth of damage in America each year? Did you also know that termite damage isn’t covered under most homeowner’s insurance? Termites are incredible at hiding, and by the time you see the damage, there’s...